How to Train Your Hair to Not Be Washed Every Day

Do you have that one friend who swears she washes her hair once every 4 days but you aren’t buying it? Is there a gal pal at work whose hair is styled to perfection at 7:30am meetings, yet promises that she wakes up at 6:30? These ladies may have a hair fairy godmother. Or they may have figured out the magic of training their hair to not be washed every day.

You may be thinking your hair is way too greasy for this “no wash” nonsense. Or that those ladies actually are keeping hair voodoo secrets.

With a handful of simple steps and a pinch of product research, you’re going to find that it’s not magic and even you can go at least 2-3 days in a row sleeping in and pulling off fresh, clean looking locks. Learn how to train your hair to not be washed every day..

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The Process

Start with clean hair. No, like, really clean hair.

girl washing hair in the shower

Standard shampoos and conditioners, hairsprays, your makeup, etc. all leave gunky build-up on your strands. If you want to go on a hair washing strike, you’ve got to scrub out the crud. The best approach is to find a clarifying shampoo made for stripping your hair of those unnatural deposits. Use with caution, though. Clarifying shampoos aren’t picky about what they strip. They will take the natural oils out of your hair, too.

Depending on potency, they should only be used 2-3 times per month, so don’t trash your “standard issue” shampoo stash. Over-use of clarifying products has an opposite affect and will potentially make your hair even more greasy-as your scalp cranks oil production in to overdrive to compensate for all that clarifying. Expert favorites include Neutrogena Shampoo Anti Residue Formula and Moroccan Oil Clarifying Shampoo.

Cleanse, done. What about conditioner?

apply leave in conditioner – Curling Diva

While using conditioner, repeat the mantra, “Ends only”. Your scalp naturally produces the oils needed to keep your hair healthy and happy. Adding conditioner to it will squash your plans of extra wash free days. Putting conditioner on the ends of your hair will keep them sealed and help prevent breakage, so don’t skip it altogether.

You’re out of the shower and ready to blow dry. What now?

Best Way to Dry Hair After Shower – Curling Diva

Make sure the brush you’re using is a good one. Since you’ll use this whether it’s time for a wash or not-quality and material counts for keeping oil distributed from roots to ends. Most pro’s suggest a 100% natural boar-bristle brush, like this one. These brushes pull the oil from your scalp all the way down your hair shaft, helping to degrease your part and add shine to the rest of your hair. A good quality brush will lead to healthier hair and a happier you.

Wash day is done. Now how to make all that hard work last?

A few great beauty products and some creativity will get you through those no wash, no worry days.

blonde woman with greasy hair – Curling Diva

If you haven’t already, you’ll want to fall in love with a good dry shampoo. Not stage-5 clinger love. Sweet, coffee date style love that screams affection and not dependency. Since you are working to avoid dirty looking hair, tread lightly. Too much dry shampoo will cause build-up and defeat your hard work.

Most experts suggest using it once or twice between washes.

Make sure you don’t spray too close to the roots, let the product soak in a bit before rubbing it in to your strands, and rock on. You can also leave it on overnight and let it do its magic.

Bonus? Dry shampoo now comes in colors other than white-so you brunette babes don’t need to choose between having greasy hair or white halos around your head. Try Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo or splurge a little and opt for Living Proof’s Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo.

What else?

Re-fresh your blow dry.

How To Use Hair Dryer Without Damaging Hair – Curling Diva

Spraying in a root lifting or thickening hair spray and blowing it dry in place will add volume and allow a sweet restyle of your limp looking locks. You’ll tame frizzies and have a fresh new look for the day. Just like dry shampoo, you don’t want to overdo this trick. Adding product adds build-up that weighs hair down. Even though you might have tamed the grease, you’ll still risk creating a tired looking ‘do. Check out Bumble and Bumble’s Bb. Thickening Dryspun Texture Spray.

Depending on your hair type and natural oil production, by day 3 or 4 you might need to start all out faking that fresh clean hair!

Here’s how:

  • Hide your roots with a slick backed ponytail.
  • Add braids at your hairline to tighten down your frizzies and hide your greasy part.
  • Wear a headband or bejeweled barrettes to draw attention away from your oily spots.
wet hairstyles high ponytail – Curling Diva

You should find as time goes on that you dig your extra free time so much that a little grease doesn’t hurt your feelings. Remember, we’re all out there obsessing over our own bad hair days, so we’re probably not noticing yours!

If all else fails, put a lid on it! Time your final wash-free day for the weekend and rock your favorite ball cap. You’ll look super cute and no one will know your dirty little unwashed secret.

Another tip for fudge free hair is to keep your hands off!

Not only are you adding oil from your hands but you’re moving around the oil at your scalp. We know a quick hair touch is Instagram insta-perfect right now, but every time you touch your locks you’re waking the oil dragon. Hands free hair is the best policy for extra wash-free days.

You should also make friends with your granny’s favorite accessory, the shower cap. You can find reusable caps like these for under $10 in a host of fun colors and lined with super soft terry fabric. Keep your shower game strong and your dirty hair dry. Wash and rinse your shower cap occasionally to keep it funk free.

How to Train Your Hair to Not Be Washed Every Day

After a few weeks, you should find your hair gets less greasy between washes.

You’re going to be using less product (budget win!) and have way more free time to dedicate to sleeping in or mastering the art of contouring. While you may be tempted to think that you’ve achieved the magic of training your hair to not be washed every day, the reality is you’ve trained yourself to be kinder to your locks and dig it’s natural dirty.

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How To Train Your Hair To Require Less Washing – Curling Diva

Image Credits: Deposit Photos

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