There is no question about it: bleaching is the fastest way to lighten your hair. But it’s also the most damaging thing that you can do to your mane.
You might be looking for effective ways to prevent damage while bleaching your hair.
We’re sorry to tell you this: but there’s no way to prevent damage when bleaching your hair. There are ways to lessen the damage, though.
Your hair will take a serious beating each time that you bleach.
But there are things that you can do to hydrate your hair after bleaching and bring it back to life. That’s exactly what we’re going to tackle in this article.
Can you repair bleach damaged hair?
The bleaching process will cause your hair to swell, opening the hair cuticles. This is because of the alkaline agents present in bleaching products.
The alkalizing agent will penetrate into your hair’s cortex. It will dissolve your natural hair pigments called melanin. This will then break down the natural fatty acids on your hair, causing it to become brittle. Finally, split ends will start to appear. You will then have frizzy, unhealthy hair.
If it’s not yet obvious, our answer is NO. You can’t repair bleach-damaged hair. Once your hair becomes damaged by bleaching, it can’t be undone.
The good thing about hair, though, is it always grows. You will only have to wait for new healthy hair to grow. You can also give your hair some TLC while you wait to improve its texture.
CHECK OUT: Stages of Lightening Dark Hair

Why does my hair feel like straw after bleaching it
It is no secret that bleaching can be damaging to most hair types. But proper usage of bleaching products can mitigate the damage.
But if you ended up having straw-like hair, it could only be due to the following reasons:
High Volumes of Peroxide
Did you use high volumes of peroxide to turn your dark hair blonde? That is where you did wrong.
The peroxide that you use will define how aggressive the products are to your mane. The higher the volume of peroxide, the harsher it will be to your hair.
For example, using a 40-volume peroxide can cause severe damage to your hair. If you want to achieve a platinum blonde, have two bleaching sessions instead. If that’s not enough, go for three bleaching sessions for super platinum blonde.
Remember to be gentle to your hair as you bleach it. Don’t rush. You’ll achieve your desired results without severely damaging your hair if you wait.
Not Your First Time
Have you dyed or permed your hair before? In that case, you will be more prone to have a straw-like hair texture after the bleaching session.
This doesn’t mean that you can never bleach your hair again, though. You can reduce the damage by bleaching some sections of your hair. Create a balayage or highlight instead.
If you have virgin hair, you don’t have to worry as it will be less prone to damage.
Heat Tools
Did your hair start looking straw-like a few days after the bleaching session? It could be due to your excessive use of heat tools. As much as possible, stay away from hairdryers and irons. Don’t let it ruin your hair’s natural elasticity. Be gentle to your mane and dry it naturally.
How to hydrate hair after bleaching naturally
We’ve talked about the common causes of having straw-like hair above. You now know the reason behind your dehydrated, dry, and straw-like hair. We won’t just leave you with that knowledge, though. We care to also share with you how to hydrate your hair after the bleaching damage.
Here are some of the easily accessible natural products that you can use:

Olive oil
Olive oil is popular for its hair-healing capabilities. It can do wonders on your damaged hair if used correctly. It will help retain the lost hydration due to bleaching. Focusing on your ends, apply a couple of drops of olive oil with your fingertips.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is another hair care cure for damaged and dehydrated hair. Small drops of this oil can reconstruct your damaged tresses, regaining their luster in no time. Massage a few drops of coconut oil to your bleached hair, focusing on the dry areas to keep it hydrated. Use this once a week.
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Almond oil
Add almond oil as an ingredient to your deep-conditioning mask. It is rich in Vitamin E and proteins. It can fill in the gaps in your hair strands, preventing further damage after bleaching.
Argan oil
Your hair will not only take a beating during the bleaching session. After that, it will be weaker, making it more prone to damage. Using argan oil to hydrate your hair after bleaching is a good idea. It is rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which are vital elements for hair care.
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Hair feels like straw after bleaching
It is common for people to experience straw-like hair after bleaching. The use of high-volume peroxide, abuse of heat tools, and prior exposure to chemical processes are the main reasons for hair to feel like straw after bleaching.
Going to the salon to have it fixed could be your best choice. But only a few of us have the time and money to schedule a professional hair treatment. That is why we share tips on how to hydrate your hair again. Read below!
Thick Hair
If you have thick hair, it can probably withstand the damaging effects of bleaching. The bleach will unlikely ruin your healthy mane. But to ensure that your hair will remain in perfect health, apply argan oil. Apply it to your dry hair every week. Don’t rinse. Massage into your scalp and style as you normally do.
Average Hair
For hair with medium thickness, it will need some nutrients to withstand the harsh effects of bleaching. Make use of nourishing masks to rehydrate your damaged hair. Start shopping for cream moisturizers to bring back the lost shine of your mane. Find a good protein mix as well.
Fine Hair
People with fine hair will be the most prone to experience straw-like hair as a result of bleaching. Don’t worry as good hair treatments can reduce the damage to your hair. Find intensive masks, look for hair botox, and start using keratin treatments.
How to take care of bleached and dyed hair
You can’t completely repair bleach-damaged hair. But there are things that you can do to reduce the damage.
Defend your hair from more damage by following these helpful tips:

Defend Against Heat
If you’re using hot tools to style your tresses, it’s time to switch to a more natural way to style your hair. Using hairdryers and iron will expose dehydrated and weak strands to more damage.
Let your hair air dry instead. But if you can’t let go of your hairdryers, consider using blowdry primer to protect your hair from damage.
Defend Against the Sun
Excessive exposure to sunlight can damage your skin. Well, UV rays can damage your hair as well. This is especially true for people who bleached their hair. So make it a habit to wear a hat when going out. Use a protective hair care product for your exposed strands too.
Defend Against Chlorine
Be cautious about exposing your hair to chlorine. Yes, this includes staying away from pools as much as possible. It will not only dry out your bleached hair but it can possibly turn your blonde tresses into green. Definitely not something that you’d want to happen.
We’re not telling you to avoid the pool altogether. If you can’t avoid dipping your hair into the pool water, make sure to rinse it with fresh water before you dive in.
CHECK OUT: How to wash bleach out of hair
There are risks that come with bleaching your hair. And hair damage from bleaching will not be completely repaired. But you can always work on its recovery using natural products and defending it from more damage. Your little knowledge on how to rehydrate your bleach-damaged tresses will really go a long way!